Business Setup

Download The App

Our platform can be accessed easily through an iPhone or Android device via our app. Learn how to download the app and connect.




0:00 So one thing you may want to do is to download the app for the platform. We have a full-fledged iPhone and the Android app, um, that you can use, uh, for the iPad or iPhone or Android device that you can get quick access to your leads and, uh, pipelines and calendars, and be able to look through the CRM and so forth.

0:21 And so it's a great way to really access the data quickly without having to log in, you know, like on your mobile device, you know, that way.

0:29 So it's a great thing you can do. If you would like to get access to this, what you can do on your launchpad.

0:33 There's a send link button. You can click that and type in your mobile phone number, and it will actually text message you the link to click, to download directly, uh, the application.

0:44 So be sure to do that, install it, and then just log in with your normal login credentials and it should pull up your account.

Adding Users & Restricting Access