Workflows & Automation

Workflow Tools

Let's go through the workflow tools and talk about each one.




0:00 All right. In this video, I want to talk about workflow tools of the trade. Uh, there are a couple of different things that I want to show you and here, uh, the first section is once you have your workflow kind of set up the first thing you're going to need as a trigger.

0:14 So what kind of triggers can you use? Well, if you click on add new workflow trigger, it's going to pull this up and there's a couple of actions that can happen.

0:23 Something from the CRM can happen. You know, maybe you add them to a campaign, something from Facebook, maybe somebody filled out a lead form on Facebook or took some kind of action on Facebook.

0:34 Like set your fan, page a message that could trigger a workflow. Maybe something happens on Shopify that you want to integrate.

0:42 So maybe somebody checked out on Shopify and we want to automatically start sending them a, an email newsletter or something.

0:49 So what you can do is you can look through these trigger types, finding what's relevant to you that would trigger your workflow starting out.

0:58 Okay? So here's an example. So workflow trigger let's do a CRM. Well, what could happen? Well, there's, this could happen when an appointment gets set up.

1:09 When it's a birthday, when a call status or a contact changes, maybe a contact gets updated. So we fire out an email to him.

1:17 Um, maybe this runs when tag is added to a prospect, maybe a prospect becomes a customer. So we send them a customer email, right?

1:28 So these triggers are thinking of them like this is what's triggering a response, right? So that's the first tool in your arsenal.

1:37 What you want to do is look at these triggers and see all the different options you have. So we have email events, we have customer replies.

1:45 So maybe somebody replies in your workflow that can trigger another workflow to start. So you need some kind of starting point some kind of trigger that happens.

1:54 Maybe they get added to a campaign. Maybe they fill out a form. What I recommend you do is go through these triggers and really see what all opportunities you have to start campaigns and create them.

2:07 You know, if you look at on Facebook, let's check out those. So Facebook lead form gets submitted. We can start a followup sequence from that.

2:18 Uh, let's check out the Shopify ones here on Shopify. When somebody abandons the checkout, you know, let's say somebody kind of ops in, they're starting to fill out their form, but then they, they leave and leave it there while we can automatically send them emails to, Hey, finish your order.

2:33 Here's your, here's your link. Uh, when an order gets placed, we can automatically start sending them email newsletters. That could be the trigger, right?

2:41 So play with the triggers. Find out like what actions you might, uh, be interested in, starting a campaign for that will be something that I like to just look through these and kind of see what options I have to start.

2:55 New campaigns and new marketing and automations. Now the next tool in your arsenal is actions. These are things that happen because something was triggered, right?

3:06 So if we click on the plus, there here's everything that you can do to once an action happens, you can have a reaction with this action here.

3:18 So somebody fills out a web form. For example, that might be our trigger. We can automatically send emails. We can send text messages, we can place a call.

3:26 We can send a ringless voicemail. We can fire out a message on Facebook or Instagram. We can send out a manual text message or a manual call.

3:37 So we can add them to a queue for our sales team to call and maybe somebody ops in. And then the next day it's added to their queue to, to follow up with them.

3:45 We could fire out a Google, my business message. When somebody ops in or something, maybe we want to add a contact tag and tag them as a prospect.

3:54 We can do this all automatically. So these are all tools that you can use, uh, to really build how these intricate sequences let's keep going.

4:04 So here we can remove tags. We can add tags, we can add them to a pipeline or opportunity. We can add a note about them.

4:12 We can assign them to a user. So if we have like staff like sales guys, we could assign them to one of the sales guys.

4:20 If we wanted to, we could remove an assigned user. So for example, maybe our sequence we're going through. And then once they buy, that could be a trigger to remove them from our sales team and assign them to our customer fulfillment team.

4:37 Right? We could have an event start dates so we can have the setup to kind of wait until a certain specific date.

4:45 We could add them to additional workflows. We can remove them from workflows. We can remove them from all workflows. These are all little automations that you can add into your process.

4:56 We can send internal notifications, that'd be to your team. We can send texts and emails to your staff to let them know that somebody needs to be followed up with or an action needs to take place.

5:07 Um, if they respond, they want to be taken off on here. Maybe you want to add them to the do not, uh, do not disturb, right?

5:15 You can edit their conversation. You can send a review request. You can send a one-time charge to them where they say, Hey, I'm interested.

5:23 I want to buy you automatically send them a, uh, a way to pay really awesome. You can update their appointment status.

5:33 You can add tasks. You can try to book an appointment with them. You can add to Google analytics or Facebook ad campaigns, custom audiences.

5:43 You can update their contact field if they give you like phone numbers and things. So guys, this is really robust as to what's possible.

5:52 These are all tools in your arsenal. Now on top of that, we have membership actions. You can grant an offer.

5:59 So like maybe you send them a pay link. And as soon as they pay it automatically grants them an offer or revokes an offer.

6:07 You can also have conditions. These are great to build really dynamic campaigns. So for example, if they do this or they say yes, or if they say, no, maybe another action happens.

6:20 If you follow up with another text that says, Hey, what can we do better? You know, or if they say, yes, I'm interested.

6:26 Maybe you follow up with them with a text for, with an offer. You can have the wait option on here.

6:32 So if we want to wait days, minutes, hours before sending something, we can add that in there. We can web hook information to other platforms or send them to the go-to.

6:44 So guys, you've got a lot of tools in here that you can build out your followup, sequences, your campaigns, you can do some amazing stuff.

6:55 And these can be these kinds of literally hundreds of steps. If you want, and just have a ton of automation there.

7:02 These are all at your disposal. I highly recommend you get in here and start building some workflows out, just try things out, see what happens, and then test them on yourself and see how it worked.

7:14 It's amazing with what you can do.

What is a Workflow?