Website & Funnel Builder

SEO Metadata On Each Page

SEO meta data is what shows up when you share your links. Here is how to control what others see when you share links.




0:00 Now when creating your website. One of the steps that you're going to want to do is to edit the SEO metadata.

0:07 This is the information that's going to show up. When you share your website on social media, it's the graphic that's going to show up.

0:14 It's the headline that's going to show up. Uh, it's also what search engines are going to read, uh, to find out, you know, what your site is all about.

0:23 So if you want to edit the SEO metadata, what you want to do inside the builder, click on settings and go to SEO metadata.

0:31 And then right here, you can add a title for your site. So you could say comic shop, or you give it a description and you can be really detailed here and include lots of keywords.

0:53 You can give it a name and you can also upload an image. So this is the image that would be shown for when you share the link there.

1:02 So as you can see, it's like a preview for when you share the link. So you can change the image when you're sharing that link out to where it'll show up properly and make it great.

1:11 Now, once you're done, make sure you click save here. I know you might be tempted to save up here, but click save down here and then click save.

1:20 Now by doing that, that's going to edit the SEO metadata. And it should, if you go back in there now update that information.

1:28 And when you share that you're going to have it ready to go.

Importing a Clickfunnel's Funnel