Website & Funnel Builder

Creating Templates and Global Areas

Should you use a website or funnel? It depends.




0:00 All right. In this video, we're going to talk about templates and global sections. These are super helpful to create a, to be able to create content across multiple pages and be able to share it and make changes automatically.

0:15 All right. So here's an example. So up here we have a little header and we've got a logo here. We've got a black background.

0:22 Let's say I really liked the look of this. I mean, it doesn't really look that great right now, but let's say that we just absolutely love that it's already created it's looks good.

0:32 And we want to save this and use this header on another page. Well, let me show you how that works.

0:39 If you go and scroll over here, there's in the section, you can see that there's a little save section button.

0:46 So when you click save section, you can save things as a template or a global section. Now, a template means that you can just build it on the page.

0:57 It's going to pull it up and then you can edit it. A global section. Any edits that you make to that section is going to change on every page on your website or funnel.

1:08 So let's start with the global section. I want to show you how this works. So let's call this a header and we'll click save section.

1:17 So now we have a header that's already built that we've got saved in here. Now, if we navigate out of oops, if we save this and we navigate out of the page here, and we go back to our section where we can create additional pages, what you'll see is we have a paid chair, right?

1:45 So let's add another page. Maybe this is a, I'll tell you what let's do like a contact us page. So if we created contact us, we'd be starting from scratch again.

2:01 Right? So if we go in here, we already have a header that we like to use, right? We already built one.

2:09 It looks great. Well, what you can do is go up here to section manage or sorry, ad section, and you can see my layout and global sections.

2:22 If we could global sections, we just saved one called header, right? So what'd, you can do is you can hover over that and drag it in and boom, you now have a header that you can use on other pages.

2:34 Now, if you make changes to this, if it's a global header, like we saved it as a global template. Well, it's going to change this header for every page on your site.

2:47 So let's say for example, we changed the logo. So we highlight the logo and let's change it over to another logo.

2:56 And we click save. You've made changes to the section that can affect your other pages. Are you sure you want to save this page?

3:03 Okay. So if we saved that now on every page that we have this global header on, it's going to change the logo.

3:11 So if we go back to our funnel page here or back to our funnel, what we're going to find is that it also updated the homepage.

3:21 So if we click on, see how it's the contact us as our new logo there, or if we click on the homepage and we click edit page, it should update there as well.

3:33 See our logo has been updated with a new logo. So when you have global sections, if you save it, you can make changes and it can make changes all across your website.

3:44 This is really, really helpful for sections that repeat on your websites and funnels like your headers, like your footers, all of that can be done, and you can save it to where you can use it on multiple sections.

3:58 Now let's say we like this section here, and we want to save it as a template to use on other pages.

4:04 Well, if I click save section, we have the same option to save it as a template or a global section.

4:10 If we save it as a global, it's going to update on every page. That way, if we save it as a template though, let's say this is our headline and photo.

4:23 And we click saved section. Now we can use this section to add additional parts out on our pages. So if we navigate back to our other page that we set up, if we want to add that one in, let's go to our contact, us edit page and notice how we don't have anything in this section like there.

4:46 Or what we can do is go to section, add section my layouts. Here's our template. We can drag that in.

4:54 And it's already created, I build these little sections and I can use them on other websites. And the funnels that I create, I do it for duplicating pages and creating layouts that I like so that you can build sites faster.

5:08 You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Every page you're creating, you can build these global sections and templates and be able to use them over and over again.

5:17 Now, one thing that's really cool is that on sections, like where you saved it as a template, when you make an edit and you make an edit, it doesn't update other pages.

5:33 It's just a template. It saves it as a template for you to change around and make changes. And so if we go back and look at our other page, since we didn't save it as a global, it's not going to update that.

5:54 Let's see how we jump in here. It won't change the headline here. So see, our headline is still the same as it was before it didn't change because that's a template that we used, right?

6:06 And you could add and replicate areas. So if we want to add multiple sections, we can do that. So you can build out these layouts and be able to replicate them on your pages.

6:17 Now, if you'd like a section that you created, you can also replicate it by hitting the plus. So as you can see, you can start to build out your sites.

6:26 You can start to build out layouts, and then you can replicate sections, save templates, saved globals to where you can really build this out.

6:34 So a good example of this, where this is being used in bulk, let me show you another website. So this very section that you're looking at, if I want to change an update, a logo or something on it, all I got to do is change one of them.

6:58 And it will update across all the pages that are on all of my sites. If I used that global, if I had it as a template, it would just update that one.

7:09 So as you can see, this can be extremely helpful when you're building out lots of pages and lots of funnels.

7:14 Uh, you know, you definitely want to set up the globals to be able to make changes quickly across all your website.

7:20 That way it's fast, it's easy. And it's something that you can replicate quickly.

Adding a Video or Animated Background