Custom Fields

Custom fields are great in your CRM to store valuable information your want to remember or use in campaigns.




0:01 As you start using the CRM, you're going to notice that it saves a lot of information, things like their first name, their email address, phone number, date of birth, things like that.

0:10 But what if you want to save additional information that is custom and relevant to your business? Well, you can actually create your own fields, just like this, into the CRM and have it there at your disposal.

0:23 We have a great little tab called additional info that allows you to add your own fields on there that might be relevant to you.

0:29 So for example, let's say you want to save what their kids' names are. Maybe you wanna save what their challenges are.

0:37 Maybe you want to save, um, you know, what products that they're interested in and you just want to quickly be able to go and find that information right in the CRM.

0:47 Well, you can do that with custom fields. I'm going to show you how to add these in. And what you're going to do is you're gonna navigate to the bottom left-hand side of your screen.

0:54 You're going to notice this settings button here. And so click settings, and it's going to bring up your settings of the platform and what you're going to navigate to is custom fields.

1:05 These are all the custom fields you have most likely. If you're just starting, this, yours is going to be blank right here.

1:11 Mine has a couple of fields here that are, that are relevant to me. So let me show you how to do this.

1:15 So what you do is you click this add custom field button. There's a lot of different options here. We have texts.

1:20 So if you want to store just a little bit of text, you can also have a large texts. If you want to store like a paragraph of information on each customer that might be helpful and relevant to your business, you also have numerical and phone and monetary.

1:33 You've got checkboxes and radio options, multiple options, single option. You got a lot of different options here that you can play with for these custom fields.

1:42 It also got things like file uploads. Maybe you want to save a document from a customer like a contract or something like that.

1:49 So you've got all kinds of different options here. So in this example, I'm going to show you two examples. So let's do a text one, and maybe we want to save, you know what, uh, region someone's in.

2:02 So you could have region there. So I click save. And as you notice it added it down here, I'll show you what it looks like in just a moment.

2:09 And maybe you want to save, uh, we want to create a bunch of check boxes, where we save different information like products entrusted in, or you know what let's do challenges.

2:23 That's a good challenges. Maybe they, the more customers they need better sales staff. Maybe they need more inventory.

2:44 So you can set up these options here to where you can quickly check them off. So we'll click save. And as you notice it saved it right here under the custom fields.

2:53 Now, when we go back, let me show you what we just did under the contact records, additional info tab. So you pull up a contact, click on additional info.

3:02 Now you can see we added in region. Here's like a text box we can do. Maybe they are the Southwest region, you know, so you can save that information.

3:11 And then we, you know, we're talking with them, we discover that they need more customers. So we could select that one and we could save that.

3:17 So now you can, you can get really creative with your custom fields and you can actually customize this to really fit your business.

3:24 You just got to play with those custom fields and kind of figure out what's relevant to you and what information you want to store in your CRM.

3:31 I highly recommend playing with these because these are very, very helpful. When you want to quickly pull up a record and remember something like their kids' names or what region they're from, or, um, you know, all that kind of stuff.

3:42 You can quickly do that with custom fields. All right. So good luck. And I'll see you the next video.

Bulk Adding To Campaigns, WorkFlows