Quick Start

Platform Overview

Get a solid 30,000 foot view of our platform and see the basics of how what all the application can do for your business.




0:00 All right. So now you are logged into your application and you probably a little bit intimidated by it at the very first time you log in, you're wondering, what can I do with this thing?

0:11 How do I navigate around, you know, you probably just start a little bit overwhelmed at the moment, but the thing is is that this platform is very intuitive.

0:21 It's one that you're going to really, really enjoy. Uh, it can handle your outbound messaging, your emails. It can also send automated, uh, text messages, emails, ringless, voicemails, uh, it's a funnel builder to where you can build awesome funnels and, uh, full on websites with multiple pages right into the application.

0:42 It's got a chat functionality to where people can go to your website and send messages directly in a, you've got a two way communication system to where you can have conversations with customers and prospects and go back and forth with them.

0:57 Uh, it's also got a full fledged CRM capability to where you can store your, uh, customers and prospects and be able to remember information and reach out to them.

1:08 Uh, so the application is very, very robust. There's a lot you can do with it. And the next couple of videos, what we're going to be doing is doing a deep dive into all the different sections and showcase every little thing that you could possibly do on the platform, which you got a lot here.

1:24 Don't get overwhelmed, take things one step at a time, and you're going to be glad that you did once you get in and really get going with the platform.

Getting started