Website & Funnel Builder

Importing a Clickfunnel's Funnel

Have a click funnels account you want to import a funnel from? You can easily do that here.




0:00 All right. So if you have a website that was actually built in ClickFunnels, you can import that side directly into our platform.

0:09 So let me show you how that works. So we're going to start to jump over to traffic This site was built with ClickFunnels.

0:16 We know that. So what you can do is you can grab the link to the website and copy it, and then head over to our platform and click, add new step import from ClickFunnels and paste that a website there.

0:32 And we'll give it a name, click and create funnel step. And what that's going to do is it's going to look at that page and try to pull all that information in.

0:42 Now, this isn't perfect. Uh, it doesn't always pull every single little detail on perfectly, but it can get you pretty close and import most of the data pretty, pretty well.

0:52 So we'll give that a couple of seconds. It'll import the data and try to work out and make it import in quickly here.

1:17 All right. So as you can see, it pulled in a lot of information. We've got a lot of the page pretty built out.

1:25 Um, sometimes with custom code, this can look a little wonky, but as you can see, it pulled in a fast majority of the website here.

1:35 So if the site was built in ClickFunnels, you can grab that site and pull it in and use it to where you've got it pretty much built out.

1:46 So you might have to clean it up a bit, change a few little things. If they've got some custom code on there that, uh, you might not be able to, to pull in, but you can get pretty close as you can see.

Building the Navigation For Your Website