Deleting A Contact & Restoring Deleted Contacts

Want to delete a contact? Accidentally get rid of a contact you want back? This video will show you how!




0:00 And this video, we're going to talk about deleting contacts and also restoring deleted contacts. So maybe you're working a deal and it's just dead.

0:08 You want to remove them from the system and don't ever want to talk to them ever again. You want delete them out.

0:13 We're going to show you how to do that. And then maybe you accidentally delete a prospect that you didn't want to delete.

0:18 And you want to restore that record back. I'm going to address all of that in the video. The first thing we've got to do is navigate over to our CRM.

0:26 If you're not there yet on the left hand navigation here, there should be a section called contacts. So select that.

0:33 And when you do, it'll pull up all of your contacts here. Now your list may be bigger and may have multiple pages.

0:38 And so if you can see the contacts you want to delete, you can go ahead and select them there. If you don't see the contact that you want to delete, we got to find them on there.

0:47 So one way to do that quickly, it's just to do a quick search so we can type in the record and boom, it shows them there, and you can select them like that.

0:57 You want to make sure to select the box directly next to their name and not this one here, because that's going to select multiple.

1:03 If you've got a list there. So be careful about that. I've made that mistake a couple of times, or I've deleted multiple records by accident here.

1:10 So just select that box once you've got it selected, it'll say you've selected one record. Then you can click this button right here that says delete contacts.

1:19 It'll give you a little warning that it's going to remove all the corresponding conversations and tasks and so forth, and also stop any active campaigns when you delete that contact record out.

1:29 So you want to make sure that we're deleting the one that you want to delete and not deleting all this information.

1:35 So if you're ready to go click confirm, and it should delete that record. Now, once you go back over to our smart lists, once you delete out, uh, the filter there you'll notice that they should be gone.

1:49 There they go. Now that record has been deleted. Now let's say you accidentally delete somebody. Let's say we didn't want to delete that record.

1:56 How do you actually restore them? So we've got a cool feature here called restore. So you'll notice that the top of the CRM, we have this little restore function right here.

2:05 And when you click that, it'll show all the contact records that have been deleted. So if you want to restore that record, just select their name and click restore and you click confirm, and now they should show back up onto our smart list once it restores the record.

2:23 So if we refresh the screen here, flea, they'll come back. Sometimes it takes a minute. There we are. So as you can see, the record is restored.

2:36 Now you can also delete records and bulk, you know, let's say we want to get rid of multiple people at once while you can go and select them like this, and then hit that delete contacts record.

2:46 Uh, you just want to be, be wary that you're selecting the right ones and not deleting out information that you don't want, or you can also use filters.

2:54 So if you've got tags on your records, uh, you can filter by all kinds of different things To find records.

3:00 You know, maybe you want to delete out everybody from the state of California or something, you know, whatever you want to do, you can use filters to segment people and then select which ones you want to delete.

3:11 And you can do that in bulk. All right, good luck. And I'll see in the next video.

Bulk Importing & Exporting Contacts