Business Setup

Connect Email Service

Easily configire your email service provider to send emails from your domain. In this video we show how to connect your email service provider to our platform.




0:01 Hey guys, because are doing well. In this video we're just gonna cover setting up your email services for your instance by Vault.

0:09 We use a male gun powered lead con, lead connector domain name. We attach your business name and then route any emails that gets replied to emails going out into your specific instance.

0:26 It is under the hood in terms of your, your, your brand name's. Name will be the main emphasis and the email kind of just looks like a notification, but you can also configure a custom domain for this.

0:42 So it will be, it will be sent from your custom domain or what we recommend is, is setting up your own email service and we integrate with a few providers.

0:53 We, we recommend strongly to set up SendGrid or going other and setting up mail gun in here. Obviously that will entail you setting up a male gun account, setting up your domain, and then getting the SMTP details that male gun generates for you.

1:12 And adding it into here please watch the corresponding videos and instructions that male gun has in terms of connecting your domain and also configuring your SMTP protocols.

1:25 It's super simple. They generate all of this for you and it's very easy to set up. We also recommend looking at SendGrid, they make it super easy.

1:33 All you have to do is to sign up for a SendGrid accounts, attach your domain. They've got a ton of documentation on doing that, and then it's as easy as just specifying your username, your email and password that they generate for you.

1:47 You can set up Gmail and Yahoo like but you have to, there's a few extra steps that you have to take for that.

1:53 You would need to if you add in your Gmail, you would need to less secure apps. Gmail enable. You have to enable a specific component with your Gmail, and that is basically allowing less secure apps.

2:08 Otherwise it won't won't save. There's a ton of tutorials in terms of this. On, on on YouTube and also on Google.

2:16 On Google, obviously the search platform and they have a bunch of documentation to it. Our recommendation is for you to either use SendGrid or Mail Gun.

2:25 We use, we personally use Mail Gun pretty much every day. But SendGrid is an amazing solution and a lot more simpler.

2:33 But in saying that if, if if if you've maybe if you, if you've maybe watched the documentation of Mail Gun and maybe a YouTube video here and there mail gun is super easy and also quite affordable.

2:48 Basically it's like basically free per month. And if you start hitting volumes, it's also like very, very cheap. Like, it's like if you send a, a couple of thousand emails a month, It's a few, it's a few cents a month.

3:01 And then I'm not sure about PR SendGrid, but I know that they are also very reasonable and also quite relatively cheap in terms of the great service that they provide.

3:14 So, yeah our recommendation, male Gun and Srid, and obviously there's a ton of other solutions out there. Please feel free to experiment with that.

3:22 And you can also if, if you wanted to explore assigning a dedicated domain that is basically attaching over the Male Gun api, but basically we really recommend for you to use your own SMT p and doing Advice Ingrid and Male Gun.

3:38 Cheers guys.

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