Adding and Using Tags

Tags are easy ways to segment your audience and quickly find relevant prospects.




0:00 All right. So in this video, we're going to talk about tags. Tags are super helpful in your platform. When you are working with a lot of data, you want to segment people.

0:12 Uh, let's say for example, you want to send out an email to all of your past customers, or maybe you want to send out a text with a special promotion to all those people that you know, opted in, but they haven't bought yet.

0:25 Well, that's what tags can help you do. There are little bits of information that you can segment your list with.

0:31 Let me show you how this works. So I've got some tags over here. We've got past customers and prospects. If this list was really big, we had a couple of thousand people.

0:39 It'd be really hard to remember which ones were past customers and, um, you know, prospects and be able to identify the people we want to target.

0:48 But since we've got these people tagged, what I can do is I can do a quick search let's search for all the prospects will boom.

0:55 As you can see, the tag is identified. All the people that have been tagged as a prospect. So as you can see, tags can be super helpful to segment out and be able to use that information for things like doing, adding to campaigns or sending out a text or email, you know, once you have them segmented, then you can easily select them and, you know, send everybody a text message.

1:17 Right? So let me show you how to add tags in this video. So what to do first, you want to select the people that you want to be tagged.

1:29 So let's say we want to do Brad Pitt, Chris Pratt and David Bussel here. What we'll do is you'll scroll up to the top here and you'll see this little tag that looks like it has a plus button there and we'll click add tag.

1:41 And what it'll do is it'll show you, Hey, we're going to add this, these tags to this. So click. Okay.

1:46 So let's just say that these people are really awesome. We want to tag them with awesome. So we'll give it a name of the action.

1:59 I'll click add tags. So as you can see, we added the awesome tag on those three records. So let's say you want to search your list for who's awesome.

2:09 Well, now when you click awesome, it'll pull up all the people that are tagged awesome. And it's actually pulling up awesome from his email address as well.

2:20 But as you can see all the customers that were labeled awesome or right there, So you can get really, really creative with tags and be able to, uh, really use these to your advantage.

2:34 Let's say you want to remove a tag though. Let's say we want to get rid of, you know, we don't care about all the tags of people that were awesome.

2:42 So you can select the records. You want to remove tags and click remove, okay. Search for tags to remove you, start typing it in and it should pull it up.

2:53 Click. Awesome. Give it another name and remove tags. And so what'll happen is that go through and remove all those awesome there.

3:03 And as you notice, if we go back through and type it awesome, it's only pulling up from the email address there, right?

3:10 So as you can see, tasks can be really, really helpful to segment. You want to get creative with your tags, try to save as much information and tag prospects the right way.

3:21 You know, maybe you want to tag them every time they buy a product, tag them with what product name it is so that you can go back through and segment everybody that bought that specific product.

3:30 And maybe down the road, you have another product that's similar that they might be interested in or an upgrade that you want to message them for.

3:38 Well, if you got your tag set up, this is super easy to go through your system and be able to identify people by using tags.

Quickly add a prospect to a workflow or campaign