Chat Widget

Chat Overview

See what all the chat feature can do on our platform!




0:00 All right. So let's talk about the chat widget. Now, if you didn't know, our platform offers the ability to add chat, live chat, to any website out there.

0:10 You can add this to funnels. You can add this to a websites that you build on our platform as well, but you can also add it to even external websites.

0:19 So say you have a WordPress site out there or something like that. Um, you can actually add the code to those sites and have live chat even on external websites.

0:30 So let me show you what I'm talking about. So here we have a demo business here and in the bottom right-hand corner of the video, you can see this little chat bubble that stays, uh, right at the bottom of the screen here.

0:42 And once the customer clicks on it, it brings up a form to fill out where they can send a quick message.

0:47 Customers love having a quick way to send in a quick question. You know, sometimes people go to your websites or funnels and they just have a quick question.

0:57 They don't want to go through a big survey or they don't want to go through, you know, finding a contact us page.

1:02 They just want to send a quick message and get a quick response. Remember today's day and age, we've got customers that literally can order food from their phones and have it delivered.

1:12 And so you want to be the company that can provide the fastest response back. And so live chat is a great way to do it.

1:21 Now, the cool thing about this is that it also acts as a lead generation tool. And so when they fill out this form giving you their mobile number or email, what it's going to do is it's going to import that in to the CRM.

1:34 And it's going to capture their information to where you can have a two-way conversation with them. So here, I've got this demo pulled up, I'm going to fill out some fake information.

1:42 I just want to demonstrate it for you. So let's say we've got Michael here. He's uh, some guy just looking for, uh, insurance and he stumbles upon the funnel page.

1:52 He's just like, you know what? I want some more information. So he goes and fills out some information and sends in a message.

2:03 Hi, I need a rate on a, uh, no coming out. Okay. So let's say that this is Michael sends in a message.

2:17 So as you can see, what's happening here is it'll say, Hey, thank you. One of our representatives will contact you shortly on the backend.

2:25 What's actually happening is boom. It shows up in your conversations panel, right there with the ability to have a two-way conversation with them.

2:35 And so, as you can see, you can go and you can respond and send out a message back into them.

2:40 And so this is a great way to capture leads, add it to your site. It's a great way to just, uh, have, have an awesome way of being able to communicate with your customers and customers definitely fill these out.

2:53 It's definitely something that you want to add in now in this section and other videos, I'll show you how to set this up.

2:59 So stay tuned and let's get started on building a live chat for your website.

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