Website & Funnel Builder

Differences in a Funnel or Website

Should you use a website or funnel? It depends.




0:01 All right. In this video, I want to talk about the differences between a funnel and also a standard website. Okay.

0:08 A funnel is more of a landing page. This is where you've got kind of a one-page website. There's no navigation at the top.

0:16 It's really singular focused to guide them through whatever process you want them to do. So maybe it's to fill out a lead form and maybe it's to guide them to purchase a product on that page, whatever it is.

0:29 It's really more about guiding them through the sales process that you want them to take. Notice there's no navigation at the top.

0:37 It's just singular focused. We want you to fill out whatever form. So this is a good example of a funnel, a lead page, if you will.

0:46 And then let's jump over to a website example. Here's a full-on website, you've got navigation menus and multiple pages on the site.

0:55 And so there's kind of a stark difference between the two. What's great about our platform is that you're able to build both.

1:04 So if you jump over to our sites panel over here, you have the option of doing a funnel or also a website right here.

1:13 So you need to think about your structure of what's important to you. Do you want to capture leads? Do you want to build a website with multiple pages, like an about us and contact us?

1:23 And because once you create them, they both pretty much work the same as far as the builder is concerned on the platform.

1:30 Um, but you just want to kind of figure out the game plan for what you're trying to achieve. Do you want to go lead capture and build a landing page with a form for them to fill out or a survey?

1:40 Or do you want to build a full on website that has navigation and multiple pages? So make that decision and then in future videos, we'll show you exactly how to set it up.

Adding and Using Tags