Website & Funnel Builder

Connecting a Domain To Your Funnel Or Website

If you want your site on a custom domain, you'll need to add a domain and connect it to your funnel or website.




0:00 Now most likely once you get your website or funnel set up, you're going to want to use a custom domain.

0:07 You want to let you use your own domain as opposed to the gobbledygook it spits out. And so if you want to do that, this video is all about how to add your own custom domain to your funnel or also your website.

0:20 Now, one thing is first, if you haven't already watched the video on pointing your domains to this platform, you're going to want to go back to the business setting section of our platform and watch that video.

0:32 As I walk you through how to point domains over to our platform. Now, once you've done that step, then we can add it to the funnel or the website.

0:42 So first things first, you want to click on your funnel. So here, I've got a blank dummy funnel here, and we're going to click on settings.

0:51 Now, once we click on settings, there's going to be a domain section here, and we're going to select the domain for the funnel.

0:57 And we're going to have a dropdown. If you've pointed your domain correctly, you should have this as a dropdown to where you can select it and save it.

1:07 Okay. Now, once you've got your domain set up, notice how the website here changes. That means that now it's pulling that site and it's going to be able to put that and showcase that on line.

1:20 Now, now one thing you're gonna want to do is you're going to want to edit the domain to make sure that the route goes to the actual correct site.

1:30 So go to settings down here in the lower left hand corner and click on domains. And you're going to want to find your domain and click on this little pencil icon and find the default page that you want to show up for your funnels.

1:48 If they go to www or they don't put that in there, we want to have that default page. That's going to pull when they go to that domain, just make sure it's on the right page for you.

1:59 And you should be good there. Now on websites. When you click on websites and the site section, it works the same exact way.

2:07 If we pull up a website that we've created, click on settings, select domain, and they should show up right there for you to use now select that.

2:17 And you should be good to go click save, and now your funnel should show.

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