Add customers to pipelines

How to add customers to pipelines




0:00 If you want to add a customer to a pipeline, there's multiple ways to do it. Let me show you a few of them.

0:05 Now, first, you can actually look them up into the CRM, checkbox our name, and then click on this funnel icon to add them into a pipeline, fill out which pipeline you want them to be added to what stage and given a name.

0:24 Once you click add update opportunity, it will add them to the pipeline. And you can also select the record. Scroll to the left hand side all the way down to where it says opportunities.

0:36 You can click the add button and also do the same thing where you add them into a pipeline. Now, if you want to, on top of that, actually automate this step, you could automatically add them to a pipeline.

0:50 So for example, let's say someone goes to your website's funnel page and fills out a form. If you wanted to add a quick automation to Adam, to a pipeline, you could do so under the automation tab, click automation, and let's create a new workflow.

1:07 We'll start from scratch and click and create new workflow. Now, first we need a trigger. We need an action that they actually accomplished.

1:18 So let's say they filled out our survey. What you would do is click add new workflow, trigger, choose a trigger.

1:26 So we let's say they filled out a survey and we need to select which survey it actually is and safe.

1:37 So now once they fill out a survey, what we want to do is add them to a pipeline. So need to add an action.

1:44 We'll go up here and search for opportunity and we can see add update opportunity. So then we can also do the same thing, filling out what stage they're in, give it a name and a source and more.

2:04 Then I have to do a, save the action and make sure it's published and click save.

Multiple pipelines