Chat Widget

Add Chat To Any Website

add chat features to your funnels, GHL websites or external sites!




0:00 Once we have our web chat widget, totally set up with all of our settings and all the features that you want on it.

0:06 You're ready to go. All you have to do is click save and then also click that get code button. And it's going to spit out a lot of little gobbledy Googie care.

0:15 This is what we need to add to the body or the footer section of the website. So what's going to do click this blue button here that says copy code.

0:23 And that's going to say copied to let you know that you've got it copied. And then what we're going to do is we're going to navigate if you're building your site on the platform to either the funnels or the website section, where you click on funnels for this demo, it works the same exact way for websites just follow along and you can just include the on the website versus the funnel.

0:44 So you're going to click on the funnel that you want to add it to, and then click on the edit page link.

0:50 Once you bring up the builder here, you're going to go up to settings at the very top left-hand corner and go down to tracking code.

0:58 This is going to bring up the, where you can add header and footer code. Now this is going to go on the footer section of the website.

1:05 We want it in the bottom right-hand corner. So what we're going to do is we're going to click on footer code to highlight this section, and we're just going to copy that code right there.

1:14 So it's going to give us all that gobbledygook that we just copied earlier. And we're going to click yes, save.

1:20 Now, that's going to add in and on there now at first, you're probably not going to see it on the website.

1:26 What do you want to just click save? And then once the website's saved, you can click the preview button to make sure that it shows up.

1:33 And there it is right there at the bottom of the screen. Awesome. Now we've added the debt. Now, if you are adding this to an external site, like say WordPress, there actually is a plugin.

1:46 You can get just go to and look up the lead connector plugin. If you want to use that, there's a whole walkthrough on how to set that up, but essentially all you do is install the plugin and then click on lead connector, add in your API key, and then you can actually pull it directly from the account and it will enable it on the site.

2:06 You can also add it via code as well. On any other site, you just have to add it to the footer section of a website.

Set Up Live Chat