Bulk Adding To Campaigns, WorkFlows

Want to add a group of prospects or customers to a specific campaign or workflow?




0:00 Let's say you have a group of people that you want to add to a campaign or workflow. There's a couple of different ways to accomplish this step.

0:08 I'm going to walk you through that now. So let's say first off you want to add a group of customers to a workflow.

0:16 What's an easy way to do that. Well, if you've actually segmented your list with tags, like I talk about in the tag video, you can quickly do this by searching for that group that you want.

0:26 And then it will kind of fine tune your list. You can select all and then add them to the campaign.

0:31 So let me show you how that works. So let's say we want to hit all of our past customers with a discount.

0:38 So what we would do is we'd go up here to our quick search and we'd type in past customers because we have that set up as a tag.

0:45 Okay. So identified three prospects that we want to send to. So what I'd want to do is select all, and that would select those three records.

0:54 As you can see, you've selected three records, and then I click this add to campaign or workflow button I click.

1:00 Okay. And then I select the workflow that I want to send to second it's like that there I can either add all at once.

1:07 I can schedule a time down here or I can have it drip out and send to a few people at wa you know, over time, either way, however you want to structure it.

1:18 You can select that. And then you click this, add to campaign or workflow button here. Now, another thing that you can do is add into a campaign or workflow through a list.

1:28 So say for example, you are importing a list and you immediately want to send out an, you know, add those people to a campaign.

1:38 Well, if you do import contacts, upload a file, let's say that's here. And it maps all the information. You can see a video on bulk importing, uh, where it goes through that.

1:54 If you click this advanced button down here, you can select this ad to work flow or campaign toggle, and then select your workflow from your list.

2:04 So if you got like, like, let's say, you're importing customers for the first time, and you want to just add them to a campaign.

2:10 This would be the way to do that. So you select it, click submit it'll import the data and automatically add them to that campaign.

2:19 So those are a couple of different ways. You can add bulk customers to a campaign. You just got to select them and segment them, use your tags, you know, find creative ways to attack past customers and so forth and be able to add them in.

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