
Reviews Requests

How to send out review requests to generate more reviews




0:00 And this video, I'm going to show you how to sit down and review request. Now there's multiple ways to do it.

0:05 And first you have to actually have your review set up. So if you haven't watched the video on the reputation tab on the platform, be sure to go watch that video, set up your reviews and make sure that that's already created before watching this video, because it's not going to send anything.

0:21 If it's not custom and ready to go. Now, once you've got your system set up, you have your links and your messaging down.

0:27 It's in the settings, and you've already done that step. There's multiple ways to send review requests. The first one is by going over to your contacts.

0:35 So by selecting contacts, and you can actually filter your list by how whatever you want to find customers on here.

0:43 In this case, we only have a few tests records in here, but you could have hundreds or thousands of records that you can sift through.

0:50 So you might do a search for past customers or, um, you know, specific regions of customers or people that have bought specific products, whatever tags and smart lists you've created.

1:02 You can sort your list by that in order to find the right customers to send out review requests. Now, once you have your list segmented and you have your records displayed, all you have to do is click the option to select them all, or just go through and individually select different people you can select and unselect.

1:20 Now, once you have your list with all the records you want to send it to selected, all you have to do is go right up here and click this sin review request button.

1:28 When you do that, it's going to have a menu that pops up that we can go and edit the reviews.

1:33 So let's click it and it's gonna show you everybody. That's going to be sent a review request right here. It's going to tell you a number and so forth as well.

1:41 You're going to click okay to proceed. And here we have the review request options. So what we can do is do this little dropdown box.

1:48 We can send SMS or an email review, make your selection, and then you have the option to do it all at once at a scheduled time or in drip mode, drip mode, we'll take a section of your audience and slowly release it to them over time.

2:05 That's super helpful with reviews. If you select a big list and you do like drip with so many going at a certain time.

2:12 So for example, you could start on Wednesday at 2:00 PM and then you could have a quantity of maybe 30 a day and you could repeat after two days.

2:26 And so what this would do is it would start on Wednesday, send out 30 requests, wait two days, and then send out another 30, right?

2:35 You can slip what days you want it to send on. And you can set what hours you wanted to send on.

2:40 This is super helpful for not sending review requests at midnight and so forth. You can also do an added a scheduled time.

2:47 So if you want to set it up to where at a scheduled time a day, you send these out, you can do that.

2:53 And then just click the send review request. I prefer all at once. Cause I usually only select a small amount.

2:59 Every Time I do this, once you click send, it'll send the review request. Now another way to send a review request is to actually check them into your business.

3:08 So what you can do is you can go over to the reputation tab, click on that. It's on the left-hand panel here.

3:14 And what you'll do is you'll see this green button here that says sin review request. Once you click that, it'll bring up a box for you to check in a customer.

3:22 This is essentially helpful for when you know clients they're already in your system and they walk in the door. So maybe you have a shop that, you know, a customer you could go in and type in their customer name.

3:33 So we'll do Michael Powers here. And what it'll do is it'll find the record to send the request to. So we'll select that.

3:43 And then when we click this sin review invite button, it's going to send them a request. This is helpful for doctors, offices, attorneys, whenever a client comes and checks in to the business.

3:53 So those are some multiple ways that you can send out review requests. You can also use automation. So if you want to have a process set up where you set up an automation or a workflow that after a certain time period or a certain trigger that happens, it automatically sends them a review request.

4:10 I'm going to cover that in a future video. So guys send out some review requests and get more reviews today.

Reviews Overview