Quick Start

Launchpad Overview

Get rolling quickly by integrating your social and other applications with our platform!




0:00 All right. So one of the first sections you're going to come across is the launch pad. And this is just really a way to get you kind of on the path to success.

0:09 Get some things integrated, like Google my business, and maybe your social media fan pages also give you access to the app.

0:16 And so this section here is really just about kind of helping you get started, get some things rolling fast to where you can go ahead and have some adoption of the platform.

0:27 So what you're gonna do is go through each one of these sections and you're going to add in, uh, the integrations and get things moving.

0:35 So we've got the first one here, download our app. So if you want to actually get your leads on the go, you want to download the iPhone or Android app.

0:42 I just clicked that sinned leak. It'll send you a text to where you can quickly access that in the, uh, the, the play store or also on the apple store.

0:50 And you can download that log in with your normal login credentials, and you should be able to get access to the lead connector app.

0:58 And the next one is a Google my business integration. So what you do is you click connect login, and that's going to integrate your Google, my business account.

1:07 So this is where your reviews are going to come into play. Um, you know, they're going to be, uh, coming in through our system, uh, when you integrate this in there.

1:15 And also if they send out messages and things like that, you can monitor that, uh, to be able to, to get that.

1:20 And that way you're not having to log into multiple platforms. It's really helpful to just quickly reply to the Google, my business conversations and river views, right from our app, as opposed to, you know, logging into here for your leads and then going on to Google my business, then logging into social, to check messages there.

1:37 You can really kind of integrate these to where they're all coming in. Next one here is a, the Facebook integration, correct directly with prospects and customers.

1:46 So this is really great because you can integrate your Facebook fan page, uh, with the application. And so as customers, you know, send your fan page a message, it can come directly into the conversations tab and create a new record in your CRM to start working that lead.

2:03 So it's a great way to sync up, you know, the Facebook leads with the CRM and things like that. Um, so are you going to do click connect, select your pages and it should connect right away.

2:14 And the next one here, this is the web chat widget. So if you already have a website set up, you can go ahead and connect that, um, you know, you just click connect and it'll have the sub menu where you type in your website and it'll help you walk you through that step of adding, uh, the web chat widget to your current website.

2:32 Now, if you're going to be collecting payments, you can do Stripe. You can connect your Stripe account, uh, through the API integration here.

2:39 And, um, we've also got the X service and quickly add your other team members in this section. So you may want to do this.

2:46 Um, you can kind of go through the little prompts and it'll walk you through the different steps. Um, we're going to do later videos on these integrations where I take you through them directly, uh, in future videos.

2:58 So get started with the launch pad. It's a Great way to really just kind of get some movement going. And it, it's kind of a little bit overwhelming thing when you first log in.

3:07 So this allows you to take some quick steps that will get you moving and get some of those core things adopted that we want you to get on the platform.

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