Website & Funnel Builder

Building A Survey

Sometimes having a survey can work better than forms. Learn how to use them.




0:00 All right. So let's talk about surveys in certain situations. You may want to have a survey versus a form, you know, form is your long form.

0:10 What's got like name, email address, phone number, it's all on one, a form to fill out. Sometimes that can be threatening.

0:17 And what you can do is actually create a survey that asks non-threatening questions. One question at a time to get more people to actually opt in.

0:26 And so it's a great way to, you know, discover if you want to disqualify customers or qualify them. It's a great way to kind of get some more opt-ins by starting out with some non-threatening questions.

0:41 Those are a great way to ask a lot of questions in a series without it being so intimidating of seeing this huge long form that they have to fill out and not knowing how long it's going to actually take.

0:52 So it's a great way to, to do that. So here's an example of a survey here's for a mortgage website.

0:59 Uh, you've probably seen stuff like this before. If you've ever tried to get a mortgage, uh, you've seen questionnaires like this, or you've got, are you currently working with a real estate agent?

1:10 You know, how soon do you plan to buy a home? You know, where it's taking them through the process, asking a series of questions to get them to the end, which Austin has the opt-in questionnaire.

1:24 So if we wanted to build that on our platform, what you got to do head over to the site section on the left-hand side, and then you're going to go and navigate to surveys and builder.

1:36 And when you do that, it's going to put up a builder on here that we can build out with our questions.

1:44 Now, the difference is instead of putting everything in a one section like we did with the form, what you're going to do is you're going to add slides for each section there.

1:54 If you want to add them all into one section, there is an option under styles. I believe it's under options where you could ask one question at a time.

2:07 So if you want to put everything under one, you can do that. You just kind of select this field to ask one question at a time as it moves on, but I like to have slides.

2:15 So I kind of know that there's a question on every page. It gives me some more room to think and let me know that, Hey, that's going to the next question.

2:22 Right? So if we go back over, we go to our fields and we start asking questions. So what I like to do in surveys, I like to start out with non-threatening questions.

2:33 First. I like to start out with things that they're not really giving up their personal contact information yet. I saved that for the end.

2:41 So in my first couple of questions on my survey, I usually ask custom field questions where I've created different questions that they can pick from or something that's not going to, um, you know, they won't care to answer right away.

2:58 So first we'll select challenges and bring that over. You know, one of your challenges, um, you know, we might do, how soon are you wanting to get started?

3:09 Those are the types of questions, things like that. You can customize your survey. However you want with whatever questions you want.

3:15 If you want to add questions, you click on custom fields over here to your right and add custom field. And then you can go and add different options here.

3:24 So you can add a text question. You can add checks boxes for them to click, um, down boxes, all kinds of stuff on here.

3:32 You just want to play with these. What I like to do is when I'm teaching somebody new on how to use the platform, just go in and add one of these and play with the settings and see what it looks like on the page for each time you do it.

3:44 And then you're going to get a really good feel for what else available and what it's going to look like in the end.

3:50 Now, what you want to do is build out your questions. Once you get through the basic ones, then you start asking for personal contact information, because obviously we want to opt in with this.

4:00 So you might ask their first name and last name. Okay. Then we ask for a phone number. So you go through and start asking them for that.

4:14 Then we ask for an email. Now, once you're done on there, all you got to do is click save survey.

4:23 That's going to save your survey here. And what we need to do is to give this a name. So we'll go up here to options.

4:30 We'll scroll to the top and we've got survey two here. Let's go ahead and give this a good, solid name so that we can remember it.

4:39 There is our survey, but you can save it for whatever you want. That's going to customize that survey for when you're putting it into your funnels, that you can remember what it is.

4:48 You want to save it to something that is easy to bring back up and, and use in the future. Now, once they submit their message, you've got two options.

4:57 You can send them to a URL. So if you have a thank you page in your funnel or on your website, you can enter the URL right here and it can direct them over.

5:06 Thank you. And go ahead and add that to your CRM. If you want, you can also do a message. So you can say something like thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

5:16 You can also have disqualifying messages if they selected something here that like you didn't like, you can actually select these things.

5:24 And you know, like the questions, like let's say that if they select a certain one, that they need more customers, that's not what you do.

5:33 So maybe you disqualify immediately if they select this option. And then if they need better sales staff, you keep them going to the next one.

5:42 If they need more inventory, you send them over to the next page. So you can get really interesting with your logic and you can disqualify prospects, ask the right questions and kind of figure out if they're worth messing with right now, once you finish all of that, you save your survey.

5:58 And now the survey can go on the website. So our survey saved, we'll navigate back over to our website. Um, click on, edit the page.

6:16 And now we're going to do is add an element. So if you remember inside a row, you can add an element.

6:22 So if this isn't here, you can kind of add another one, had an element and we need to find survey.

6:34 I think I skipped it here. Somehow here it is survey. So you're going to drag that in And you'll select your survey.

6:46 So we saved it as here's our survey. So there we go. So now you can see our survey is on the page and if we save this and preview it, let's see what it looks like.

7:02 So now our survey is there. We can go. And if you remember, if they select need more customers that disqualifies them and doesn't let them continue.

7:11 So based on the message, we can have them disqualify if we want, Or we can start them on the next question.

7:29 So see how you can build these surveys and you can kind of customize these however you want. You just need to think about what questions to ask, how to format it, how to structure your survey, to where it's non-threatening, and then you can add it to your page and customize it however you want.

7:45 Okay.

Building A Form