Quickly add a prospect to a workflow or campaign

Want to add a person to a campaign?




0:00 There's multiple ways to add prospects and customers to a campaign or workflow. So in this video, I'm going to show you a couple of different ways.

0:09 The first one is to go through your list and kind of sort your list into showing the prospects that you want to do.

0:17 So let's say we want to add Brad Pitt and Chris Pratt and Steve McQueen to a, um, workflow. What we do is we'd select their records and then we would click this little robot icon and it would bring up this little box to add them to a campaign.

0:35 So click, okay. We'll select our campaign or workflow that we want to add them to. And we can do this all at once.

0:41 We could do a scheduled time. If you want to like set it, have it to start on tomorrow or on Christmas or something like that.

0:48 You can select the start date at that. Or you can add in drip mode where you have it start and just have a few of them go out at, you know, every so often to where you can not be hammered all at once.

1:00 But if you want to send them all at once, just to like that one, give it a name and click add to campaign or workflow.

1:06 Once you do that, it'll add them to whatever workflow you've selected from this dropdown. And you're off to the races.

1:12 Now, another way that you can actually add that in is to do it individually on the contact record itself. So let's say you're talking with Brad and Brad's like, Hey, I want more information.

1:24 Can you send me something? Well, maybe you have a workflow or campaign that can automatically send them a brochure or something like that.

1:31 What you would do is open up the record, scroll down, and there's this active campaigns and workflows, just click that, add button, select whatever campaign you got, click a start time and then click add that will add them to that campaign and start sending out whatever a workflow or campaign that you've selected.

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