Workflows & Automation

Troubleshooting Workflows

Got an issue in your workflow? Here's how to find it and fix it.




0:00 Once you have your workflow created, you think it's really set up? Well, what I recommend you do is to add yourself to the workflow, to test it and make sure that it's working properly.

0:11 You want to go through this same process that your customers and prospects are going through to make sure that it's actually working for you.

0:19 So this is one of the best ways to troubleshoot a workflow, to make sure all the steps are firing appropriately.

0:26 I would like to opt myself into these campaigns and workflows repeatedly and test out different things to make sure that they're all working appropriately.

0:34 So to add yourself to the campaign, what you're going to do, add yourself to the CRM. So here's my, a record here.

0:41 And then what I like to do is go to active campaigns and then just add the workflow that you want to add.

0:48 Now, once you're done with that, it should add you in and then you can go through and test it. Now, another thing that you could do when troubleshooting workflow is just to open up the workflow and make sure that all of your settings are correct, let's jump into a workflow here that's already been created.

1:08 So what you want to do is to go through each step and make sure that all of your settings are correct after you've tested it on yourself, you should see where the hangup is.

1:17 And then what you can do is identify like maybe it's this step. Maybe it's not sending out a task, right?

1:23 So we would select the task and go through and troubleshoot it and see what's going on. Maybe it's not assigning it to the right person, or maybe it's a firing out at a different time that we didn't realize.

1:33 So if you really test on yourself, that's the best way to troubleshoot workflows to make sure that they work well and are going to work for your customers.

Conditions & Dynamic Workflows