
Add A Calendar To A Website

Want to add a calendar to a website?




0:00 Once you have a calendar created for your business. It's super easy to add these two websites. So in this video, I'm going to show you how to do it.

0:08 If you haven't already set up an appointment calendar for your business, please refer to the other videos in this section and learn how to create one and do that step first.

0:17 Once you have it set up, you've got it right here that you can go and add it to a site.

0:22 Now, if you're adding this to a high level site or funnel, what you're going to do is you're going to start at the dashboard, go to sites, and you're going to click on your funnel or a website that you've created that works the same.

0:36 You just go to the edit page that you want to add it to. So we're going to do is we're going to open up this funnel here and we're going to edit the page.

0:46 So let's say that we want to add a calendar right here under this headline here. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add in a new row, one column, and I'm going to add an element, and then I'm going to scroll down and look for the calendar link.

1:01 So I'm gonna click calendar and then it wants us to select the calendar. So we created this appointment calendar earlier.

1:07 So we would just select that and boom, it pops the calendar right in there on the page. All you have to do is save the file.

1:14 And now it's on your website. Now, if you want to put this calendar on an external website, what you want to do is start out at the calendar page, cyclical on calendars, go to calendar settings, and you want to get the calendar code so you can go and select the calendars that you want.

1:34 We're going to select the appointment calendar, and here's the embed code. So you can use this code right here to I-frame a calendar into any website.

1:42 All you need to do is to have the HTML there, pop it into a section and it should just show right on your website.

Calendar Integrations