Pipelines Overview

See how pipelines can help you keep track of your sales processes or workflows.




0:01 Our opportunities tab is a great way to be able to manage your actual sales process or work process for your business.

0:10 What's great about the opportunities tab is that you can quickly look at it and see where either a prospect or customer is in your process.

0:18 What I love about these is when I sold, I'd love to be able to quickly look and see where I could find opportunities.

0:25 So for example, let's say I ran out of people to call for the day. Well, I can go and look at my leads tab and be able to see all the prospects that need to be, you know, followed up with for an appointment.

0:36 You can create these pipelines for any stage. You can customize these all dependent upon your business. So you could have these titles be anything.

0:45 It could be lead. It could be an opportunity. It could be anything, but it's great to be at a glance to be able to know where they are in the process and be able to move people along.

0:55 So let's say that Michael came in under our lead form. So now he's a lead. Now we can quickly at a glance, see that he's a lead and that needs to be followed up with, let's say, I call them and set up an appointment.

1:06 Well, I can drag them over to the appointments part. That way I can quickly know that he's in the appointment stage and doesn't need to be called about setting up an appointment.

1:16 You know, when you really start building lots of prospects on this, this is a great tool to be able to use and see opportunity in your business.

1:26 When you're working with lots of leads, it can be quite daunting to be able to remember who's at what stage who needs, what, who needs to be followed up with.

1:34 And the pipeline is one great tool in your arsenal to be able to see where people are in your process.

Using Custom Values & Custom Fields