Business Setup

Integrate Your Social Media

On our platform, you have the ability to integrate with many applications such as Facebook, Stripe and Google My Business. Click the button to the right to watch the tutorial!




0:00 All right. So once you get going with the application, you may want to do some integrations. Maybe you want to get your Facebook messages ported into the conversations panel in CRM.

0:10 Maybe you want to connect your Shopify store QuickBooks. So this video is all about integrations with the platform here. So if you want to integrate the basic ones that we have, what you're gonna do is you're going navigate to the lower left-hand corner and click settings.

0:26 That's going to open up your businesses settings, and you're going to scroll up to the little left-hand panel here, where it says integrations.

0:34 So you'll click that a tab under the settings. And then this is going to bring up all the main integrations that you can use to connect your account.

0:42 So you can connect your Google account. Facebook, they've got QuickBooks, they've got Cleo Shopify, and also your Stripe account. So what you do is you'll select the one that you want to integrate with.

0:54 So we'll do Facebook for this example. So could connect and it's going to bring up the connector app to connect it with the platform.

1:03 Now I've actually already connected. So, um, but uh, usually just select continue on as whatever your name is. And then when you do that, it'll let you select your page from there.

1:14 Now, one thing is, if you already connected, uh, you may want to edit your settings. Uh, so click edit settings and make sure that all of the pages are selected that you want to integrate with.

1:24 Uh, it'll give you a couple of different options. You want to make sure that the page that you want to connect with is selected.

1:30 Otherwise it's not going to pop up on the next page for you to connect with. Now, once you've got all your pages connected, I will ask, what do you want it to do?

1:38 So you can go through and, uh, select yes or no. Uh, maybe you don't want it to have full access to different things and so forth.

1:45 So you can kind of restrict what access it has. Uh, but I just usually leave everything, uh, connected. And when you do that, that's going to connect lead connector to Facebook you'd select.

1:55 Okay. And then it's going to bring up the page again, and it's going to say, which page do you want to link to your location?

2:02 So what you do, you hit the down. I have a lot of different pages associated with my account. So what I'm going to do is just select one of them and click connect page.

2:10 When you do this, it's going to connect the two and you'll see this blue button here says connected. Now there's one more step you want to do is you want to select the ad account.

2:19 Um, by doing this, this is what's going to help with, uh, being able to try conversions and also, uh, be able to import Facebook leads and so forth.

2:28 If you're running Facebook ads, campaigns. So what you do hit the dropdown, select your account, whichever one you want, you want to connect.

2:36 And when you do that, it should connect over to the page. Now, um, if you want to change your page, you can select the Facebook page again, but it's already connected.

2:44 We're good to go. If you want to connect Instagram, you need to connect your Instagram account with a Facebook page.

2:50 I clicked the Instagram button and it should be able to connect there as well. And you can follow these different prompts for the different softwares.

2:57 We've got a Google account. You can click that, uh, log into your account and you should be able to access it as well and sort of follow the prompts on the screen.

3:06 And you should be able to integrate all of these different ones, uh, fairly easily.

Basic Business Setup