
Reviews Overview

See how to use our reputation feature to get more reviews.




0:00 Now as a business owner, you probably understand that reviews are absolutely imperative to your business. They help you pop up in SEO.

0:08 They help you pop up on Google maps and help people find you, but they also help influence people's perceptions of your business.

0:15 So a common goal for business owners of today is to get lots of reviews for their business. Want to have a lots of positive reviews coming in because don't want to have bad reviews out there for one and two, you want to help influence and, you know, get more traction with your Google, my business.

0:34 Now, the great thing about our platform is that harp system has a whole section for reputation. So here's the deal.

0:43 What we do is we go over here to the reputation button on the side panel here, and you click reputation and you'll notice we have a dashboard here.

0:51 So this is going to light up. Once you're integrated with Google, my business and Facebook and so forth, it's actually going to display the reviews you've received.

0:59 So you can actually manage them, read the reviews that are there. It will also see what your average rating is and give you a sentiment of whether they're positive or negative.

1:08 AI kind of determines how well they are. So you can see at a glance on this dashboard, how well your reviews are doing.

1:15 You can also see your invites goals. So when you start sending requests, which I'm going to show you in a future video on how to do that, you actually see and see if you've actually hit a goal.

1:24 It kind of gives you a goal to work towards, to send out multiple requests every single month. You can also see some review trends and your latest review requests down below.

1:35 Now, next we have our requests tab. So if you click on this, once you start using the system and sending out requests, which I'll show you how to do momentarily, they will start to pop up here.

1:47 So you can see which people have left reviews and responded to your review requests. Next, you have reviews. These are going to show all the reviews that you have for your business quickly.

1:57 So you can manage them, check them, read them, respond to them and so forth. We also have a listings tab where you can set up listings for your business on other platforms, such as yellow pages and so forth.

2:09 Now to set up reviews. What you're going to do is you're going to click this icon here. That's a gear, and that's going to take you over to our review page.

2:16 Now, if you've integrated Google my business and Facebook in here, you should have a review link that has come up.

2:24 If you don't, it should, you should add your Google, my business,, web address that goes directly to your listing and pops up your review.

2:36 You can generate a link there. And when you do what it'll do is it'll actually give you a link that will pop up and actually open the window to leave a review.

2:45 When someone looks up your business online, now this link you're going to want to save because that's what you're going to put in the review request down here.

2:55 So down here, this is where you can manage what would actually be sent. If we were send a review request, notice that we have SMS, and we also have a review email.

3:05 So spend some time working on your messaging to send out. Maybe you want to put something like, Hey, thanks for shopping with us.

3:10 As you know, reviews are important to local businesses. Would you mind leaving me and click, click quick review? And then you have you add in your link to where they can do it.

3:20 Now, once you save this, what will happen is when you send out a review request, it's going to send this message via text and same thing down here with email, you're going to have a subject heading a message.

3:33 And then if it's a positive answer, what will happen? This edits this over here. So what'll happen is it'll send an email with a link that says, would you be so kind to recommend us if they click, yes, then it'll display a link for them to leave a review.

3:47 That way it's kind of gated, right? You can also flip through and see what it looks like on a mobile, a tablet and a laptop there as well.

3:55 Now, once you've got these two set up with your links and your messaging in there, you can also display your reviews on a website and I'll show you how to do that.

4:05 But basically you can play with the title colors, the rating colors, the background colors, just click on these little icons.

4:10 You can pick which colors you want and then kind of play with those to showcase on your site. So what it'll do is it'll build a system right there to where it's got your information, that you can pop on a website.

4:24 Now, what that's going to do is if you pop that into a funnel or a, you know, go high level website and you use that element to add it in, it's going to go in and pull up your Google, my business and grab some positive reviews, four stars or more, and pop that in there on your site automatically.

4:41 And they'll update as you get more reviews, it's a great way to show legitimate reviews that are coming through for your business.

4:49 So how do you actually send a review request? Well, there's a number of different ways. Once you're fully set up here, there's this green button you can click on and you can actually type in a customer's name.

5:00 So if you have people saved in your CRM already, for example, we have Michael Powers in this account. We can just type in Michael and it's covering up on here.

5:10 But if you do a little drop down here, we'll do powers. There he is. You would click Michael Powers and then you click send a review invite.

5:21 And what it'll do is it'll text them and email them what we have down here. Now, another way that you can send review invites is to go over here to your contacts and you can pull up a group of your people that have been there in the past or even past customers.

5:38 And just ask them for reviews. All you have to do is segment your list by whoever you want to send it to.

5:44 So you could use smart lists for this. You could use a past customer list, you could import them and then send them a re a review request.

5:52 All you have to do is select the people you want to send it out and hit this little star button right here.

5:57 And that's going to send a review request. So open up a little box here, add the following contacts, click, okay to proceed.

6:10 And then you can choose whether it's SMS or email and then click send. Once you do that, it's going to send it out for you to whatever group you've selected.

6:21 What's great about this way is that you can have thousands of records in here and send them all at once.

6:26 I don't recommend sending thousands, but you could, you could segment your list and send a few, you know, 50 here, 50 a week later, you know, a hundred a week later.

6:35 And it can over time be building up your positive reviews and look natural to Google and so forth. So constantly be doing this to your database, get reviews.

6:46 It's going to help out with your SEO. It's going to help out with your reputation and people are going to absolutely love your business more.

6:55 Once they look you up and see that you have all these positive reviews, it can help determine whether or not someone comes to your business or the competition.

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