Multiple pipelines

Learn to have multiple pipelines.




0:00 It's important to know that you can create a ton of pipelines for your business. In this application, you can have them set up for all kinds of different things.

0:08 Maybe for sales, maybe for fulfillment, maybe for support. If you want to use multiple pipelines, let me show you how to use that in the system.

0:16 First, you go to the setting section and add in all of your pipelines. Once you get your pipelines and all the stages set up, which we discussed in an earlier video, you can go back and navigate to the opportunities tab.

0:30 Now under opportunities. It's going to show your very first pipeline. If you want to access the other pipelines, all you have to do is select sales pipeline and navigate to which one you want.

0:41 So, as you can see, we have a support pipeline in here where there's support needed. Maybe a ticket came in or we're working them or the resolved.

0:51 We also could have a customer fulfillment pipeline to where we can keep track of all of our customers, where they are.

0:57 Maybe they need onboarding or follow up or to be reassigned. It all depends on your business and what the milestones are in your workflow.

How to create a pipeline